There Is No 'One-Way' To Keto blog keto basics lifestyle Nov 07, 2019

Back in 2014 when I first started following a keto diet, I thought it was the BEST ‘diet hack’ in the world.

No more waking up ravenous every morning

No more afternoon energy crash and taking naps under my desk

No more late-night sugar binges

No more thinking about my next meal...

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Meal Prep: Ground Pork and Cabbage meal prep recipes tips Nov 03, 2019

Are you tired of scrambling at the last minute to make a nutritious low carb and high protein meal? Look no further as this quick and easy meal prep can be prepared in a snap! It's super simple to throw together and makes for a terrific addition to your weekly meal prep!

Prep Time:
5 mins
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This simple tweak to your day can make a HUGE difference! blog fat loss lifestyle tips Oct 03, 2019

Let’s talk about NEAT!

NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.

It sounds complicated but it’s really not.

Basically, NEAT refers to the calories burned during activities that are not considered formal exercise (i.e., cleaning the house, walking the dog, taking the stairs,...

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Keto Zucchini Bread Recipe (Low-Carb Alternative) breakfast desserts recipes Sep 10, 2019
This is a quick and easy, low-carb alternative to traditional zucchini bread! It's super simple to throw together and makes for an awesome addition to weekend brunch or a quick breakfast during the busy work week!

Keto Zucchini Bread Recipe 

Prep Time:
10 mins
 Cook Time:
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3 Tips For Staying On Track When Ordering Brunch blog fat loss lifestyle tips Sep 07, 2019

Brunch is probably one of my favorite weekend activities for several reasons. Mainly because it involves food (duh ) but also because it’s nice to try new places around San Diego since there are sooo many and also when I’m traveling to different cities. Another reason is that I tend...

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The Best Investment You Can Make Is In YOURSELF blog keto for women Aug 30, 2019

A lot of people tend to underestimate the enormous value (yes, enormous..) when it comes to putting themselves first in certain aspects of their life.

We’re told selflessness is the key to happiness and doing good for others will make us feel the best inside.

This is of course...

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You MUST Practice Patience and Be Intentional blog keto for women Aug 30, 2019

Let’s face it, patience is hard and instant gratification is addicting...especially in today’s society.

With the technology and resources we have access to these days, it’s becoming harder and harder to remember what ‘being patient’ actually feels like.


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Tracking Matters...and Iā€™m Not Just Talking About Macros blog calories fat loss keto for women Aug 29, 2019

Have you ever heard the phrase “what gets measured, gets managed?”

I’m sure you have...and I’m sure deep down you know that this applies to pretty much anything in life -- especially when it comes to money and food.

In this post, I’m not going to dive into the...

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