The Scale Doesn't Always Matter...But Sometimes It Does blog keto for women Aug 28, 2019

Alright, I think I can speak for everyone when I say that whoever invented the scale should be thrown in a ditch.

Am I right?... Or am I right? Haha

On a serious note though, the scale is probably my least favorite tool to track progress when it comes to trying to ‘lose weight’ or...

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Protein Is QUEEN! blog keto for women tips Aug 27, 2019

In the last post, I mentioned the importance of resistance training for changing your body composition.

If your ultimate goal is weight loss, I challenge you to think more about what that actually means.

Do you really just want to lose weight? Or do you want to lose body fat, look great in...

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Proper Exercise Programming and Planned Movement are Necessary blog fat loss keto for women Aug 26, 2019

Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle and strength building, healthy aging, or just overall health...exercise and activity levels matter!

Do they matter more than your nutrition protocol? No.

Do they help you reach your goals faster, boost your mental well-being, and optimize your overall...

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Keto Is Powerful...But Carb Phobia Is Dangerous blog keto for women Aug 25, 2019

When I first started keto back in 2014, I suffered from what some call ‘fat phobia’ or the fear of eating fat.

I was hesitant to eat more fat and add fat to my meals (even the healthy ones) because I was still in the mindset that eating more fat equates to gaining body fat.


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Fasting Has Its Place...But It Can Be Different For Women blog keto for women Aug 24, 2019

Up until about 5 years ago (before I started keto), the thought of waking up and not eating within 30 minutes never crossed my mind.

Most days this was because I was literally waking up with that hungry pit in my stomach that turned into nausea if I didn’t eat something right away.


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Accountability, Support, and Mindset Matter WAY More Than You Think blog fat loss keto for women Aug 23, 2019

“If you know what you should be doing...why don’t you just do it?”

“You have the know the process...just make it happen.”

“You help other people achieve this EXACT thing...why is it so hard to help yourself?”

These were the thoughts that...

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Metabolic Flexibility > 24/7 Ketosis blog keto for women Aug 22, 2019

Being in a state of ketosis is amazing when it comes to optimizing brain function, improving mood and energy levels, reducing hunger pangs, treating disease states, reducing inflammation, and so much more. 

But, is being in ketosis 24/7 necessary or even optimal for most people?


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5-Minute Keto Recipes When You Donā€™t Feel Like Cooking blog keto basics recipes Aug 13, 2019

Regularly eating food that’s both delicious and healthy is a commitment. Maintaining a keto diet is rewarding, but it can be tedious sometimes. While it's getting more and more popular to go keto, there are still not that many establishments that serve tasty and affordable ketogenic...

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