How to Track Alcohol Macros blog Jul 24, 2024

How do you Track your Alcohol Macros?

Tracking alcohol intake can be a bit perplexing, especially if you're striving to hit your macro goals accurately. Alcohol is not classified as a macro in most tracking apps, but it does contribute...

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The Power of Girls' Club blog Jul 20, 2024

Why do you coach people through the flex fam?


Embarking on a transformation journey can be both exciting and daunting. Often, we find ourselves facing struggles and challenges that seem unique to us. However, the power of...

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Progressive Overload; Broetry blog Jul 17, 2024

Progressive Overload: Broetry


The growth mindset is a powerful concept that extends beyond the realm of fitness and can be applied to all aspects of life. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of challenging...

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Do you Need to Warm-Up? blog Jul 13, 2024

Do you Need to Warm-Up?

Warming up before hitting the weights is crucial for priming your body and preventing injuries. However, spending too much time on the warm-up can eat into your lifting session and lead to unnecessary fatigue....

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How to Squat Properly Jul 10, 2024

How do you Squat Properly?

If you're looking to master the squat, it's essential to understand that proper form can vary based on your specific goals and body structure. Let's delve into the intricacies of squatting correctly and...

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Best Squat Alternatives blog Jul 06, 2024

Best Squat Alternatives

You Don’t have to Barbell Back Squat

A mistake that I made for a long time was thinking that I needed to barbell squat to get stronger, build my quads, and build my glutes. However, when I stopped thinking...

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Are Food Labels Accurate? blog Jul 03, 2024

Are Food Labels Accurate?

Food labels play a crucial role in helping us make informed choices about the foods we eat. However, there are some important factors to consider when interpreting these labels to achieve our health and fitness...

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Split Squat to Get a Bigger Booty blog Jun 29, 2024

Split Squat to Get a Bigger Booty

Split squats are versatile exercises that offer various variations to target specific muscle groups effectively. Depending on your goals, you can adjust your setup and execution to bias either the glutes or...

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