The Difference Between Building Strength and Muscle Mass miniflex Aug 05, 2022

We do want to still be efficient in the exercise selection that we're picking for building muscle. Because in that way, and I guess you can define efficient in different ways, just the way that I think about is like, you want to be picking movements that you can, you know, progress in, right...

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Are you Focusing on Recovering from Training? miniflex Aug 03, 2022

I think CrossFit is great, as a kind of community, you know, you have that community, you have that competition. And if people enjoy CrossFit and they, they want to continue doing that, I think that it's definitely, you know, beneficial, I think there can be a component where there is a little...

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How your Lifestyle Affects your Nutrition miniflex Aug 02, 2022

A lot of the women that I personally work with are already coming from that keto approach, right, they've already gone hardcore keto. And so they're actually trying to come back to the metabolic flexibility side on the other side of it. Whereas most, most people, I guess, not most people, but a...

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Psychological and Physiological Stressors of Keto miniflex Jul 29, 2022

I kind of looked at it in both in a few different ways in terms of like the physiological signs, and then also the psychological signs. For me, it was more so like the psychological side of things. And this is what I saw with a lot of my clients to just really being afraid to eat carbs was the...

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Episode 170: How to Build your Best Health with Dr. Jaime Seeman podcast Jul 29, 2022

In this episode, Jaime and I discuss women’s health as we age, setting realistic goals for body composition, and finding a balance when it comes to making lifestyle changes, especially when it comes to diet. We discuss the ketogenic diet, DEXA scans, menopause, and more!

Dr. Jaime Seeman...

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Changing your Body Composition miniflex Jul 27, 2022

This scale can be super super, like deceiving for a lot of people. And I think it's one of those things where just comes back to, to being educated on like, what that number actually is telling you and how it can change for so many different reasons overnight, right? So they're especially for...

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How do you Measure Metabolic Flexibility? miniflex Jul 26, 2022

A few of like, the objective match objective metrics like it talks about would be if you really want to geek out on this stuff, and you're someone who loves, you know, the, like the nursing side of things, the data side of things, you know, testing your blood sugar levels, you know, in the...

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How I got Started Working as a Nutrition and Strength Coach miniflex Jul 25, 2022

I guess a little background on myself. So I grew up playing sports my whole life very physically active. That's what kind of propelled me into the fitness nutrition world. I went to undergrad at the University of Miami University of Miami and got my undergrad degree in athletic training and...

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