How Much Protein are you Eating on a Daily Basis? miniflex Jun 20, 2022

This is probably going to be a little bit like not something that you would would hear when we talked about metabolism. But for me, I think in general, and this might not be, like, solely specific to metabolism, but is its protein. So I think that protein like to have just overall health and to...

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Low-Intensity Workouts for Weight Loss miniflex Jun 17, 2022

I think that's the biggest thing is like, especially with women that I see is just like the the overtrained side of things. And like I went through that myself, I actually had to stop CrossFit myself because I went so far that I got injured and I was forced to stop, right. So that is, is one of...

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Episode 167: Simplifying your Nutrition and Mindset with Logan Sneed podcast Jun 17, 2022

In this episode, we chat about Logan’s journey through this cancer diagnosis and also dive deep into the mindset and mental side of nutrition and fitness that we can all relate to. I think you’re really going to enjoy this one!

Logan is a 6 year glioblastoma brain cancer survivor...

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Practical Tips for Meal Planning miniflex Jun 15, 2022

I literally said this to the client yesterday because she said, I am trying to she's we're trying to work through some some allergies and some, some things like that. And she is basically cutting down on eggs and dairy to kind of see if that helps. She's like, Do you have any ideas for...

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Benefits to a Fitness Community? miniflex Jun 14, 2022

Having a community of people who are, you know excited about doing the same things that you like to do, and you know, train with people or going to a gym that you have kind of like that family atmosphere, and that competition side of it is super fun, right? That's exciting and it makes you want...

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Is Keto the Best Diet for Weight Loss? miniflex Jun 13, 2022

Is keto, the best diet for weight loss? For some maybe for some maybe not? So keto is powerful for many different reasons.

There's research coming out all the time on the benefits of keto for brain health, longevity, blood sugar regulation, disease intervention, there's so many different...

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Best Women’s Fitness Program to Become the Most Badass You blog fitness program Jun 10, 2022

There are tons of women's fitness programs out there, but many lack the know-how to help real women with real problems. They tack on "women" to any general workout or nutritional advice and call it good, but that's not good enough—especially for you!

As a woman looking to become the most...

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What are the Negatives to Being Metabolically Flexible? miniflex Jun 10, 2022

What are the negatives of metabolic flexibility?

There aren't any!

There are not any.



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