Humans are NOT Machines: #4 Reason All Calories Are NOT Equal blog calories fat loss Mar 12, 2020

Contrary to popular belief, our bodies are not simple calorimeters.

As humans, we have hormones that influence all systems in the body and affect both how much food we eat and how much energy we burn on a daily basis. 

Additionally, the macronutrient composition of the foods we eat can...

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Blood Sugar Roller Coaster: #3 Reason All Calories Are NOT Equal blog calories fat loss Mar 05, 2020

In the previous posts in this series: Why All Calories Are NOT Equal, we discussed the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) and the Satiety Index. If you haven't read those yet, you can check them out here:

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The Satiety Index: All Calories Are NOT Equal blog calories fat loss Feb 27, 2020

The satiety index is a measure of the ability of food to reduce hunger, increase feelings of fullness, and reduce food intake at subsequent meals.

This is important, especially if you have a goal of losing body fat.

Controlling appetite and hunger is the #1 step in any successful weight loss...

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The Thermic Effect of Food: What It Is & Why It Matters (A Lot) blog calories fat loss Feb 19, 2020

Is the thermic effect real? Yes. Yes, it is.

"A calorie is a calorie is a calorie," they say - it doesn't matter whether you eat a 200 calorie Snickers bar or 200 calories worth of chicken breast, they will have the same effect on your body...right?

Hmmm, I think we all somewhat agree the above...

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Tracking Matters...and Iā€™m Not Just Talking About Macros blog calories fat loss keto for women Aug 29, 2019

Have you ever heard the phrase “what gets measured, gets managed?”

I’m sure you have...and I’m sure deep down you know that this applies to pretty much anything in life -- especially when it comes to money and food.

In this post, I’m not going to dive into the...

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