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Zoey's 2 Year Transformation in The Flex Fam

blog transformations Jun 13, 2024

Zoey's journey thus far in The Flex Fam Group Coaching Program

"My 20’s consisted of me gaining weight then losing it, then gaining and then losing. I did not really have the light bulb moment until 4 years ago when I was 29. I realized most of the women in my industry were unhealthy and overweight. I witnessed one of my coworkers leave the industry entirely due to mobility issues and pain.

I also moved to a new location and my clientele changed from younger girls to women 50’s and older. I saw an ongoing trend. Most of the older women were much weaker as they aged. Most of their older husbands were capable of doing so much more than them. It limited their lives. Women just became weaker and weaker. I didn’t want to waste my youth anymore. I realized I was at my prime and I should be in the best shape possible and take care of my body while it is still so capable. I vowed to be in the best shape ever by 30.

Ongoing my journey has been. I quit drinking and quit the lifestyle that came with it for over a decade. I studied food and learned how to cook from scratch instead of out of a box. Of course, exercised and exercised and exercised. I did lots of at-home workouts with different influencers and beach body videos. I saw success with so many changes and I grew to love this new focus.

But there is always another ladder to climb and even with all my healthy habits, I would still yo-yo. Not as severe as before, but I could not maintain my skinniest self and I couldn’t seem to turn from skinny to muscular.

Fast forward a few years, I finally concluded I was just going to have to try something different, and if I wanted to look more like a athlete/bodybuilder, I was going to have to do what they do...track the dreaded macros!

So, I tried, I downloaded MyFitnessPal and was so overwhelmed. I was completely discouraged. Until I was listening to Rachel's podcast, and she mentioned The Flex Fam. I looked it up and decide to go for it. I figured if I could just cancel after 6 months, why not try it?

If only I knew I would have learned everything I needed all along with having the clarity and understanding behind it. I have transformed yet again and this time I know why. I have seen SO much progress on the journey with The Flex Fam, it has been unbelievable.

I finally have some arm muscles I’ve been so desperate to see. I am stronger than I ever was in my 20’s. I get to eat more than I ever have before! Instead of feeling like a pig because I can eat so much compared to my friends. I now understand I’m twice their height and we just have different ranges. I also work out less than before. No more HITT cardio every day and feeling bad when I miss a day. In fact, I have had less injury than I ever did following those at-home video workouts!

I want to say how grateful I am to have had this opportunity and to have learned all that I have. I love the aspect of the group coaching from Rachel. The tools to learn it for yourself!

I am grateful for the support from the group. It is so rewarding to be uplifted by other women. Like Lorence mentioned, women can be mean. It's easy to feel judged. I have been skinny-shamed many times. I can put on more weight than a shorter person and it’s not as noticeable. People just roll their eyes at you or just assume it’s so easy for me. Yes, it is easier because I’m younger and I started earlier. But I actually put in a lot of f*cking work!

It’s hard to change and do this fitness journey when no one else around you is on the same page. Having a group to lean on for support is a huge factor in success.

I'm super grateful for this time and so glad I spent the money and the time to do this.

From a girl that never stepped foot in a gym or would NEVER track macros to now a gym rat and *mostly* macro counting fool. I can confidently say that I am in the BEST shape of my life!!"

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