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A woman does a push-up on a black background. Neon arrows point to her core. Large text to her left states "Get Off Your Knees"

Best Push-Up Progression for Beginners

blog Dec 30, 2023

Best Push-up Progression for Beginners

Are you tired of struggling with knee push-ups and looking for a more effective way to improve your push-up game? In this blog post, we will explore a superior approach to push-up progression that will help you build strength and perfect your form. Say goodbye to knee push-ups and hello to a more advanced and efficient method.

Creating an Incline for Your Push-Up

The key to mastering push-ups lies in gradually increasing the difficulty level. Instead of starting with knee push-ups, begin by creating an incline using readily available equipment.

1. Table or Bench Incline Push-Up

  • Place your hands on a sturdy table or bench.
  • Maintain a straight body position from head to heels.
  • Perform push-ups with your hands elevated. 

2. Barbell Squat Rack Incline Push-Up

  • If you have access to a squat rack and a barbell, attach the barbell across the rack.
  • Start with an incline push-up using the barbell as your elevated surface.
  • Gradually lower the barbell in increments to decrease the incline.
  • Progressing Your Push-Up with the Incline
  • As you gain strength and confidence, it's time to work your way closer to the floor.

3. Yoga Block-Assisted Push-Up

  • Once you can perform incline push-ups comfortably, use yoga blocks to raise your hands off the ground. 
  • Stack the blocks and place your hands on them.
  • Decrease the number of blocks over time as your strength improves. 

Ready to take your push-ups to the next level?

Advanced push-up variations: 

1. Weighted Push-Up

  • Add weight to your back to increase the challenge.
  • Ensure you maintain proper form while incorporating weights.

2. Decline Push-Up

  • Elevate your feet on a bench or stable surface.
  • This inverted position intensifies the push-up and targets different muscle groups.

3. Band-Resisted Push-Up

  • Place a resistance band around your hands and across your back.
  • The band adds resistance to your push-ups, making them more demanding.
  • Focusing on Proper Form & Technique 

Regardless of your chosen push-up variation, prioritize proper form and technique to maximize your gains and minimize the risk of injury.

Proper Push-Up Form and Technique Tips

Arm Position Matters

  • Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle rather than flaring them out to the sides.
  • This reduces stress on your shoulder joints and emphasizes muscle engagement.

Target Your Triceps with Arm Position

  • To focus on your triceps, bring your hands closer together for a tricep push-up.
  • This places more tension on your triceps while still engaging your chest.

Brace Your Core

  • Maintain a neutral spine and engage your core throughout the movement.
  • Avoid sinking your back or raising your butt during push-ups.

Quick Tip for Getting Better at Push-Ups

Increase Frequency

To accelerate your progress, incorporate push-ups into your routine more frequently.

Even a daily set of push-ups on an incline or stable surface can help you progress faster.

In conclusion, ditch the knee push-ups and embrace a more effective push-up progression strategy. Start with incline push-ups, gradually reduce the incline, and explore advanced variations as you get stronger. Focus on proper form, arm positioning, and core engagement to optimize your push-up workouts. With dedication and consistency, you'll soon conquer the perfect push-up and achieve your fitness goals.

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